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Showing posts from 2016

Learn WPF MVVM: widely available

Want to quickly get to grips with WPF MVVM using Visual Studio 2015? My book is now widely available as print (paperback) or ebook. Read a free sample Buy the ebook Buy the paperback print book You're a developer who knows nothing to WPF. Which is fine, except that you need to start coding your next application using WPF and the MVVM pattern. Don't worry: I have you covered. I've been training hundreds of developers like you during 15 years, and converted my experience into this book. I know from experience teaching what takes more time to learn in WPF, and will spend time only where appropriate. Plus this book is packed with exercises which build up into a full project: you develop a small e-commerce sample application. You’ll allow users to browse for products, and you’ll also create a back-end where users will be able to list and edit products. Read this book, and you can code your WPF application within a week.

Black Friday: get 50% off my books until Sunday

Just click the following links and you get 50% off my books . This Black Friday special ends on Sunday, November 27 2016. Learn WPF MVVM Learn Meteor Learn ASP.NET MVC

Meteor: you're going to love full-stack JavaScript. At last. Mons, Belgium, november 29 2016

Edit: slides are available here . My next session at DevDay Mons, Belgium, on November 29 2016 : Meteor: you're going to love full-stack JavaScript. At last. Come and discover how JavaScript evolved. Ever heard about Node.JS and MongoDB? This session will show you how a full-stack JS technology like Meteor can leverage Node.JS and MongoDB and enable developers to deliver real-time web applications in a breeze. If you like spending very little time while getting big results, this is a must see. Go grab your ticket for DevDay now. Want to buy your signed copy of "Learn Meteor" or "Learn ASP.NET MVC"? I'll be signing them at DevDays after my session. In the meantime, you may want to read my Learn Meteor book .

Learn WPF MVVM: read the book as it is being written

TL;DR: get the discounted book now using the coupon, then get the full version for free. Thanks to the great acceptance of my previous two books, ( Learn ASP.NET MVC and Learn Meteor ), I'm in the process of writing a third one. Learn WPF MVVM - XAML, C# and the MVVM pattern teaches you how to code WPF applications using XAML and the MVVM pattern, both in one single book. Just as I did previously, I'm publishing it before it is even finished. Would you like to read it? You can get it for half the price: 50% off the book using that coupon (limited to the first 100 readers and up to december 1st): About 67% of the book is already written, yet it is already available for download as an ebook: PDF, EPUB, MOBI: you choose your format. Over the next days I'll be writing the rest of the book, and publishing updates often. The final book will be ready by december 1st. Buy it now and you get several benefits:...

Learn Meteor widely available as print

The Learn Meteor book is now available in major libraries as a paperback printed book, including: Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon France Of course, you can also get the ebook version . Check it now!

Learn Meteor book available

I'm pleased to announce the general release of my Learn Meteor book. It is now available as an ebook or print book from various sources: Learn Meteor print (paperback) on Lulu Learn Meteor ebook on LeanPub Learn Meteor ebook on Barnes & Noble Learn Meteor ebook on iBooks Learn Meteor ebook on Kobo Learn Meteor ebook on Scribd Learn Meteor ebook on Inktera Page Foundry Learn Meteor ebook on 24symbols Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon US Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon UK Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon France Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Deutschland Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Canada Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon India Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Brasil Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Mexico Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon España Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Italia Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Netherlands Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Japan Learn Meteor ebook on Amazon Australia More sources are coming soon for the print version. Learn Meteor has been a fun expe...

Learn Meteor: read the book as it is being written

TL;DR: get the discounted book now using the coupon, plus get the full version for free. Edit: finished book is now available . Following the unexpected success that met the publication of my Learn ASP.NET MVC book, I'm in the process of writing a new one. " Learn Meteor " is about Meteor , an exciting new technology for quickly creating web applications. But what makes the book special is that I'm publishing it before it is even finished. Would you like to read it? You can get it for half the price: 50% off the book using that coupon (limited to the first 100 readers): About 63% of the book is already written, but yet it is already available for download as an ebook: PDF, EPUB, MOBI: you choose your format. Over the next days I'll be writing the rest of the book, and publishing updates often. Buy it now and you get several benefits: you can read the book right away you get the updates and final ...

Selected as a best project

Selected as a “Best Project” Many of the projects I work on remain internal company projects. However great they become I won’t showcase them here. But I also contribute to public projects. And guess what? One of these projects was selected as a “Best LIFE Environment Project” out of 113 projects. Harmonica During that project, my client Bruitparif together with Acoucité and Eurocities created several tools to assist decision-making concerning noise pollution. In other words, tools that are aimed at improving our well-being. Not only did they create a more human-friendly way to measure and report noise pollution (the Harmonica Index ), they also created a site that enables anyone to browse through the Harmonica index values for measurement sites throughout Europe. This site is open and anyone is welcome to contribute. Last but not least, the site shares feedback about noise reduction initiatives . Some parts of me inside Several high quality people worked on that project, and...

Meteor 1.3 just released

A new step in the right direction: the fresh Meteor 1.3 brings features needed for larger developments: adding integration testing, seamless NPM support (using React for Meteor development just becomes easier) and the modularity features from ES2015. Plus small improvements like better upgrade of iOS and Android applications. Or faster refresh when files are modified (this just made my Meteor productivity go from super high to extremely high). Even better: the Meteor guide is up to date, providing guidance for this release. Now Meteor productivity comes to an unprecedented level of support for larger applications. Using 1.3 in previous applications is as easy as "meteor update", and new projects are just a "meteor create" command-line away. A nice trick also: running meteor instances automatically download the 1.3 version in the background so the upgrade process is faster once you decide to go for it. Once again I'm gladly surprised by how much care the MDG...

Microsoft veut offrir une alternative pour Node.JS

Le succès aveuglant du Web ces dernières années repose notamment sur sa standardisation. La standardisation permet de s'assurer que personne ne sera dépendant d'un éditeur: ni les utilisateurs, ni les créateurs de contenu. C'est ce qui permet par exemple à un développeur de créer sous Linux une application qui fonctionnera sous iOS comme sous Edge. Pourtant, il y a toujours des éditeurs qui veulent rendre le Web propriétaire. L'enjeu est énorme, et on a vu de nombreuses tentatives dans le passé. Pour n'en citer que quelques unes, Microsoft avec IE6, Apple avec les applications iPhone, Google avec Chrome. Pour les développeurs, la tentation est grande de tomber dans le piège de la dé-standardisation. Ainsi, on voit quantité de développeurs Web qui voudraient que WebKit soit le seul moteur pour les navigateurs Web. Bien sûr, ils se disent que ça leur ferait moins de travail de vérification de leur code sur les différentes plateformes. Mais c'est un choix perd...

Learn ASP.NET MVC now available in a store near you

Learn ASP.NET MVC, my book that allows you to learn ASP.NET MVC in a week, is now available to more ebook stores: Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Scribd Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Kobo Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on iBooks Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Inktera Plus, it remains available in the previous stores, including the print version: Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Barnes & Noble Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Barnes & Noble (Nook) Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Leanpub Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Amazon US Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Lulu Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Amazon US Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Amazon UK Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Amazon UK Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Amazon France Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Amazon France Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Amazon Deutschland Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Amazon Deutschland Learn ASP.NET MVC ebook on Amazon Mexico Learn ASP.NET MVC print (paperback) on Amazon C...

Publish an API to a MongoDB collection using Meteor in 5 minutes

Suppose you have a collection in your MongoDB database and want to publish it over a REST API. This can be done in minutes using Meteor. Follow the steps. Create the Meteor project Open the command-line and type: meteor create my_project cd my_project Connect to the collection Suppose you want to publish the collection named collection_name from your MongoDB database. Just add the following line of code to the my_project.js file: MyCollection = new Mongo.Collection("collection_name"); Add the Restivus package Open the command-line and type: meteor add nimble:restivus Publish the API Add the following line of code to the my_project.js file: if(Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(function () { var api = new Restivus({ }); api.addCollection(MyCollection); }); } Enjoy the result You can now use the following REST API: GET, POST on /api/collection_name GET, PUT, DELETE on /api/collection_name/:id Wait... Best of all is that normally,...

Meteor in real life

For a client's project, I recently selected Meteor . It promises a lot, like many frameworks, but the difference with other frameworks is that it holds to its promises. Basically put: Meteor is one of the most productive frameworks I ever tried . Meteor produces Web applications that run under Node.JS using MongoDB . And does it extremely well. It provides you with a command-line that makes most tasks easy and painless: create a project, use packages, and even serve it locally. There are many packages that allow to create CRUD applications quickly: MongoDB schemas, automatic forms creation for CRUD operations, automatic APIs for CRUD operations, client and server-side routing, authentication, themes, admin dashboards. Plus the documentation is extensive. What are the cons? Well, I can see two of them: Deployment can be harsh if you are self hosting. It's a steep learning curve. You can rapidly create your first application, but coding correctly means understanding a l...
The free source code for my Learn ASP.NET MVC book is available here: It includes the demos and do-it-yourself from the book.
Découvrez l'interview réalisée par DevApps avec Denis Voituron et Toss Net pour la sortie de mon livre Learn MVC : Retrouvez aussi l'intégralité des podcasts de .