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COVID special: online courses and books giveaway

I'm giving away free online coding course subscriptions 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 and free books 📚📖 for developers so you can keep learning from home during the CoronaLockdown 😊 confinementlove COVID19.

Here's your chance to win one of :
How do you get these ? Earn points, and fill out a form. That's all. Those who have more points get the gifts.

Here's how you score points:
And here's the form you fill to get your gift. You must fill the form before April 18 2020. Wish you all luck, and look forward to giving away the books and subscriptions.

Edit : contest is over, thank you to those who took part in it. You are being contacted right now to receive your prizes. 👍


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